Mobile Traffic System v2.0

Mobile Traffic System v2.0


NavMesh Generator

NavMesh Generator

Motorbike Physics Tool

Package Description

In this tool it allows you to use any bike model you own and turn it into a drivable motorbike without the need to write any code. Great for those who want to have bikes in there game without wanting to learn how to make them.

Please keep in mind this package is provided only for learning purposes or to be able to test before buying the product, NOT FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES. If you want to use if for commercial purposes, please contact us to buy.

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Package Contents

The Project contains 18 pre-written scripts and a few thousand lines of code to save you from creating your own bike physics, camera controller, bike selection, Nitrous, Speedo and more.

The project contains a rigged character you can use or feel free to swap it out with your own.

Skid marks, tire smoke and skid sounds are all supported, only the skid sound isn’t included

All the code is well comented if you want to try and understand how it works.

The bike scripts contain many different variables you can change to have every bike you make feel, handle and accelerate differently.

The package comes with 5 bike prefabs all set up to drive straight away. Alternatively read or watch the tutorial to learn how to create your own.

There is also a ramp pack included, a test scene with a bike selection menu and a speedometer readout.

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