Bank Robber 01

Bank Robber 01


Assault Character Pack Remastered

Assault Character Pack Remastered

Toon people

This pack contains:
8 low poly animated characters and 8 VRavatars with interchangeable hairs, beards, ties, hats and glasses with all the cloth options for you to choose.
308 png textures: 163 cloth, 38 skins and normal map, 42 hair colours and normal map, 14 glasses and normal map, 40 hats, and more.
Resolution from 1024×1024 to 128×512.
Please keep in mind this package is provided only for learning purposes or to be able to test before buying the product, NOT FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES. If you want to use if for commercial purposes, please contact us to buy.

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This pack contains:
8 low poly animated characters and 8 VRavatars with interchangeable hairs, beards, ties, hats and glasses with all the cloth options for you to choose.

308 png textures: 163 cloth, 38 skins and normal map, 42 hair colours and normal map, 14 glasses and normal map, 40 hats, and more.
Resolution from 1024×1024 to 128×512.

378 standar shader materials for the characters,
Vertices / faces:
complex character 2834/5200
simple character 2029/3852.

Humanoid avatar.

16 prefabs with ragdoll.

139 animation files for male, female and elder.
442 animation files, inplace and root motion versions, check the videos for more info.

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