⭐Key Benefits⭐
✅ Machinegun Launcher
– This weapon is based on a turret. It is used for weapons that have separate horizontal and vertical rotation axes.
– Porvides rotation limit
– Provides normal vShooterWeaponBase gun and grouping gun
– Launch Method: One By One, Pair, All
✅ Rocket Launcher
– This weapon is based on rockets.
– Porvides rotation limit
– Provides unguided missile, homing missile, prediction homing missle
– Launch Method: One By One, Pair, All
✅ Dead Explosion
– It makes it easy to implement vehicles are being exploded by a gun or rocket.
✅ DealPhysicalDamage
– It applies an external force to an object (AI/object) that collided with a moving object such as a car
✅ DealExplosionDamage
– It applies an explosion force to an object (AI/object).
✅ ExternalForceReceiver
– It controls the external force time limit and then return to original state
✅ Provides a Demo scene
✅ Does not modify Invector core
✅ All MIS packages runs on a feature-based basis