Toon robots

Toon robots


TwinBlades Animset Base

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Toon babies

Two low poly animated babies with diaper or pyjamas, 4 hairs and several material and textures for you to customize them.

Please keep in mind this package is provided only for learning purposes or to be able to test before buying the product, NOT FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES. If you want to use if for commercial purposes, please contact us to buy.

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99 animation files: idle1, idle2, idle3, idle4, walk 1, walk2, run1, run2, jump, runjump, fallforward, fallbackwards, walk backwards, turn45, turn90, free fall, land, clap, idle happy, laugh, idle sad, cry, idle angry, idle amazed, idlesuck, standup-sitdown, sitdown-standup, standup-crawl, crawl-standup, crawl-sitdown, sitdown-crawl, crawl-lie, lie-crawl, crawl idle1, crawl idle2 , crawl walk, crawl run, crawl fall, crawl backwards, crawl turn45, crawl turn90, sit idle1, sit idle2, sit idle3, sit idle4, sit fallforward, sit fallbackwards, sit clap, sit idle happy, sit laugh, sit idle sad, sit cry, sit idle angry, sit idle amazed, sit idlesuck, lie idle1, lie idle2, lie idle3, lie idle4, lie cry, lie clap, lie laugh, lie suck.
In place an root motion versions.

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