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Toon kids


Toon babies

Toon babies

Toon robots

This pack contains 6 low poly animated robots and one more with all the body parts to be customized.
2 wings models, 3 weapons and some add-ons.

Please keep in mind this package is provided only for learning purposes or to be able to test before buying the product, NOT FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES. If you want to use if for commercial purposes, please contact us to buy.

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121 animation files, root motion and in place.
-with and without weapon: static, idle, walk & run forward and backwards, turn left & right 45 &90, strafe walk and run left&right, hit forward and backwards, fall forward and backwards, free fall, land, jump, run jump, fly, fly hit, fly free fall, fly die
-regardless the weapon: idle alert, dizzy, multi hit, electrocuted, carry, fix, sprint, slide, gab, crouch, sit down, talk, walk stealth, climb, flamethrower, fire arm weapon
-shot weapons: fire weapon A, fire1 weapon B, fire2 weapon B
-for layers: grab weapon A, fire weapon A.
-24 poses (static animations)

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