
Underwater Rendering for Stylized Water 2 (Extension)

Underwater Rendering for Stylized Water 2 (Extension)

Toony Colors Pro 2


The ultimate asset to stylize your Unity project: flexible and ready-to-use shaders, and a powerful shader generation tool to find your unique stylized look, with rapid iteration and ease-of-use.

Please keep in mind this package is provided only for learning purposes or to be able to test before buying the product, NOT FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES. If you want to use if for commercial purposes, please contact us to buy.

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Shader Generator Tool: create your own custom shader choosing among dozens of features (so powerful it has its own
Hybrid Shader working with both the Built-in and Universal Render Pipelines automatically
Desktop/Mobile versions of the shaders
PBS Version of the Shaders supporting Metallic and Specular workflows
Water Shaders: generate your own stylized water shader with depth-based effects, reflections, and more
Terrain Shaders: generate your own terrain-compatible shaders customizable with effects like triplanar mapping or non-repeating tiling algorithm
Smoothed Normal Tool: fixes broken hard-edge outlines
Texture Ramp Tool: easily create ramp textures and see the changes in real-time on your materials

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